The Anticipation is Killing Me

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This week, dry wall installation was completed which puts us at an estimated 60 days from completion, should everything continue to go smoothly. This is amazing because it is almost a month sooner than originally anticipated! Our builder is a rock star. Seriously.

The process seems to have gone from slow to light-speed. We go out almost every day now and there is tons of progress each time. For example, we were out there this past Thursday evening and then back around noon on Friday. In that time they hung all the cabinets, installed the stone arch on the front facade, hung the shelving in all the closets, finished all the trim work, and completed some tree excavation around our driveway. Up next week: Interior paint, exterior stone completion, possibly the start of laying the driveway, and possibly the start of laying some flooring.

With 2 months until the move, it suddenly feels really soon…..yet still so far. I’m ready to move TODAY! Oh wait, there is still tons to do to prepare. Never mind 🙂

Also killing me with anticipation is my OB appointment this coming Tuesday. My Dr. will attempt to determine the sex of baby #2! I am dying to know. I don’t remember being nearly this anxious to know with Charlotte. I think the first time I had no idea what it meant to have a child, let alone a son or daughter. Now knowing how amazing it is, and what it means to have a daughter, it is driving me insane. I don’t have a preference, but I just NEED to know 🙂 And I’m so nervous this baby will be shy on Tuesday and I’ll have wait another 4 weeks!!


The View

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And I’m not talking about the show that has woman gathered around a table to complain about life and attempt to sound political.

I was reading over old posts and realized the pictures I posted of our view were taken on a crappy, overcast day. I have new and improved pictures 🙂

The View from the 2nd Story Deck!


Sunset from our Deck – And yes, this was taken from the SAME sunset!






A Post About My Children

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That’s right, I said childREN!

By now it feels like old news as I’m almost 15 weeks along, but this is my first post about it.

And here it is, the room that was to be empty. The room that had a big ? on it. It will now be a nursery 🙂 I took the picture quickly so it doesn’t really capture the whole room, but that’s not the point here.

Baby P 2.0’s Nursery

And now for a picture of Charlotte looking really adorable and way too big!

Having fun on some dry wall!


Progress, Progress, Progress!

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For a few weeks there, progress seemed to be a little slow. Austin actually got some rain (GASP), so that delayed the roofers and stucco guys a little. Anyways, by the end of next week, its going to be a whole new house! This week stucco installation was completed and yesterday it was painted. Also, this week insulation was installed. Since we went a little overboard with extra sound-proofing throughout the house, most of the walls feel closed in now. This means you can’t see through them from room to room and we can now get a real sense of how each room is going to feel. Let me tell you friends, that was a really fun moment I didn’t anticipate. I thought the house would feel more closed in once walls started going up, but now it just feels more real and the rooms larger actually. Its amazing. Every new step makes me more anxious for move-in.

Next week, the stone will be installed on the exterior which will leave the exterior appearance about 90% complete. Also happening next week is dry wall installation, which means afterwards, we get to start the fun stuff like flooring, cabinets, paint, etc! The final touches!!! Progress picture coming soon. For now, I’ll leave you with this picture taken from my phone earlier this week. The stucco is no longer grey, but sage green.