House Progression

While our house is being built, I plan to take pictures at each phase. As they are taken, I will add them to this page. Here is what we have so far!

My original plan was to take each from the same exact position, but it ended up changing some due to equipment and/or vehicles being in the way.

9/17/2012: Raw Land


10/23/2012: Site prep – Brush is cleared and tree/erosion protection is up!

10/30/2012: Foundation Frame

11/29/12: Foundation Complete


12/12/12: Framing Partially Complete – photo taken with iphone and not from the same position as the rest of these photos.

12/25/12: Framing Complete

1/26/13: Stucco Installed

2/7/13: Stucco Painted, Stone Partially Installed

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  1. Pingback: It Finally Feels Real - Raising Home

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