About Me

Hi! My name is Chrissie and I have set up this blog to share my journey through house construction and subsequently my experiences with transforming that house into a home. This will be all about interior decorating, DIY, nifty organization tips, and maybe a little bit of landscaping/gardening….eventually…I don’t want to get ahead of myself 🙂 I was a CPA in a past life (pre-baby) and therefore, by no means claim to be an expert. However, I do have a passion for decorating and creating a home that is warm, inviting, and conveys our personality as a family.

In early 2010, even though we lived 3 hours away in another city, we purchased a piece of land. Now, almost 3 years later, we live 15 minutes from this land and the house of our dreams is currently under construction. We expect to be moving in this coming spring/early summer (2013) and could not be more excited! Check out my “House Progression” page where I’ll be posting updated pictures of the construction.

I am a mother to a sweet, and VERY active, toddler-aged girl, and hope to one day give her at least one sibling. I have an amazingly supportive husband who will be in the trenches with me every step of the way. He’ll be my carpenter, heavy-lifter, technical support, and more throughout this process.

This is a shot of the 3 of us on our land taken right before we broke ground! 



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  1. Pingback: How It All Began - Raising Home

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